Oil and Gas asset management study requires an interdisciplinary, integrated approach to assess field development opportunities. PLT is unique in our ability to offer truly integrated reservoir characterization, engineering, and modeling from core and analog outcrop work, seismic inversion, static modeling, upscaling, reservoir simulation, on through to uncertainty analyses and operational recommendations.
Geophysical Services
- Rock physics diagnostics
- Seismic QC and pre-stack gather preconditioning for AVO
- Seismic interpretation for structure and stratigraphy
- Generation and interpretation of structural attributes
- Seismic AVO inversion
- Multicomponent seismic interpretation and inversion
- Log based registration of multicomponent data
- Rock physics at seismic scale
- Probabilistic generation of facies volumes from seismic attributes
- Reservoir scale time-to-depth conversion
- Seismic constrained geological modeling
- Spectral decomposition computation and interpretation
- Fracture characterization using different types of seismic data and attributes
- Integration of fracture analysis results with related disciplines
Reservoir Management Services
- Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Integration of Geology, Petrophysics, Geophysics, and Reservoir Engineering
- Reservoir Characterization Studies
- 3-D Stochastic Reservoir Modeling
- Reservoir Simulations & Economic Analysis
- Field Development Strategic Planning
- Risk Analysis & Prospect Evaluation
Petrophysical Services
- Log Processing / Interpretation with iMineralysis
- Well-to-Seismic Calibration
- Facies-Dependent Porosity-Permeability Relationship
- PLT Interpretation
- Time-Lapse Saturation Interpretation
Stochastic Geomodeling Services
- Continuous / Categorical / Object-Based
- Seismic Integration
- Conditioning to Dynamic Data (Production, Injection, Well Test, Tracer Test, etc.)
- Volumetrics
- Connected Pore Volume
- Ranking of Geostatistical Models
- Risk Analysis
Reservoir Engineering Services
- Rock & Fluid Property Analysis
- DST, RFT, Pressure Transient Analysis
- Waterflood Performance Evaluation
- Reservoir Surveillance
- Full-Field Black-Oil and Compositional Reservoir Simulations
- Dual-Porosity Simulation Including Unconventionals with SRV